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No matter how it looks at first, it’s always a people problem.

Gerald M. Weinberg

fine art print

In order to produce maximum quality results, we have a large format inkjet printer with PostScript RIP, featuring photographic print quality with a light-fastness of 70 years (depending on paper type); our workflow is fully color-managed.

If you want to benefit from this technology for your own prints, see below for details, and contact us for print jobs and more information (FYI: we are located in Vienna, Austria).

format costs per print
Euros excl. VAT
DIN A1 (59.4 x 84cm)25,00
DIN A2 (42 x 59.4cm)13,00
DIN A3 (29.7 x 42cm)7,00
DIN A4 (21 x 29.7cm)4,00
Prices in Euros excluding VAT, for prints on photo quality paper, glossy or satin. Volume discounts available, depending on requirements.
format costs per print
Euros incl. VAT
DIN A1 (59.4 x 84cm)30,00
DIN A2 (42 x 59.4cm)15,60
DIN A3 (29.7 x 42cm)8,40
DIN A4 (21 x 29.7cm)4,80
Prices in Euros including VAT, for prints on photo quality paper, glossy or satin. Volume discounts available, depending on requirements.

> show prices excluding/including VAT

  • Prices: These prices are a guideline for ready-to-print files in proper resolution, without causing a lot of image manipulation work (which will be charged separately then).
  • Color management: Our workflow is color-managed, but accurate results are only possible if at least your monitor is calibrated, too.
  • File formats: We accept bitmap files in TIFF, PhotoShop or JPEG format, in RGB, Grayscale or CMYK, and vector files in Adobe PDF or MacroMedia FreeHand format, for example.
  • Sizes: We can produce prints up to 61cm wide and 15m long. Special formats other than the DIN formats mentioned above are no problem, ask for pricing.
  • For special requests, also regarding finishing, contact us.

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